For anyone who has managed to stumble on to the blog by mistake and has no idea what search engine optimisation is, I will give a very short, brief introduction.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process used to improve your web page or website’s visibility in a search engine such as Google or Bing etc via the unpaid (also known as “natural” or “organic”) search results.
Generally, the higher the position your page or site holds and how often your site appears in the search results usually contributes to the number of visitors it will get from search engine users.
In an SEO marketing campaign, an SEO will consider what strategy to use by considering many factors including how search engines work, how people “use “ search engines and what relevant search terms (keywords) are typed into search engines.
There is so much more I could write here but I wanted to keep the introduction quite short. I will hopefully go into much more detail as more posts are put up. So if you are interested, keep popping back to check for updates and if there is anything you’d like to know, get in touch
John said...
21 April 2011 at 05:03
I always thought it was the Sociedad Española de Ornitologìa, but what would I know.
Michael Briggs said...
19 May 2011 at 03:13
I thought 'seo' was some gaelic word? Though I do like LinkMunki definition more.
MC said...
19 May 2011 at 03:28
I thought S.E.O stood for seasoned or secondary equity offering:
"A Seasoned equity offering or secondary equity offering (SEO) is a new equity issue by an already publicly-traded company. Secondary offerings may involve shares sold by existing shareholders (non-dilutive), new shares (dilutive) or both"
taken from:
MC said...
19 May 2011 at 03:30
Sorry forgot to make it a click-able link...
seasoned or secondary equity offering A.K.A SEO
John said...
19 May 2011 at 03:42
Rubbish: will the real SEO pleas stand up - I give you SEO in Young cute k-pop chicklets are always better than financial stuff.
MC said...
19 May 2011 at 04:10
Meh - here are some more definitions of SEO:
Stupid Edinburgh Oaf is SEO
Suspected Ecstasy Overdose is SEO
Super Excitable Otters is SEO