Most people work really hard on their website or blog to get
it to represent themselves or their brand well on the internet. This can be especially
vital for people who deal in ecommerce. The thing is, you can work really hard,
get great content out there and represent yourself or brand really well but no
one is taking notice. This happens to many great web pages or blogs. You don’t
have to worry; search engine optimisation (SEO) can help you.
In its simplest form, SEO is a tactic you can use to enhance
your website or blog’s appearance in search engine result pages (SERPs) such as
Google, Bing and Yahoo. This improved appearance in result pages is a great way
to get more visitors to your site or blog.
When the search engines crawl all internet websites, they
look at many factors on the webpage to decide how relevant the web page is to
the search engine user’s search query. The better the relevancy, the higher it
will place your web page in their search results. The first thing a webmaster
should do is to make sure their website or blog is optimised for these key
factors that the search engines use to determine relevancy.
Although it isn’t 100% known just what these search engines
look for, research and tests done by the many SEO-ers out there manages to give
us a good idea of some things that do make a difference. Keywords help determine
how relevant a website or blog is to any particular search query. Where these
keywords are placed is crucial. So first you have to decide on the best
keywords that will describe your website and then place them in your website or
blog in a correct manner.
The main areas where search engines look for relevancy seems
to be in page titles, meta descriptions, and any written content. It may be tempting
just to cram your keywords into these places but search engines can penalise websites
and blogs that use this kind of ‘
keyword stuffing’. So finding the right
balance is always important.
If it is your own blog, you may be able to read up on a few
basic SEO techniques and optimise it yourself but if you have an ecommerce site
where the visitors and conversion is really important, it may be beneficial to
contact a digital marketing agency or SEO specialist.
In the digital marketing agency where I work, they offer a
wide range of opportunities for businesses such as Web Design, Web Development,
PPC, Affiliate Marketing and of course their very own SEO.
Search Engine Optimisation services they
offer are done by a dedicated team with many years of experience, working on
many different clients from various business sectors.